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Transcendence “will give visibility to the plight of victims of heinous crimes, while inspiring them and others to help rebuild shattered lives.”
Patrick Vinck, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative
“A first-rate vehicle for the exploration of the issue of torture and its profound ramifications on every single human life affected.”
Bruno Cabanes, Department of History, Yale University
“Transcendence is a witness to the stories of torture survivors and propels the public to take action."
Dr. Simon Adams, President and CEO, Center for Victims of Torture
“Torture and other forms of sanctioned abuse is a humanitarian and social justice issue of overwhelming global importance. It is urgent for films like Transcendence to bring the reality of torture into open discussion in the public sphere.”
Jan Holton, Yale University Divinity School
“We have a responsibility to educate our political representatives and communities about the consequences of torture…. Film is a very important aspect of education and I look forward to Transcendence contributing a valuable perspective.”
Dr. Mary Fabri, President, National Consortium of Torture Treatment Programs
“Combining solid scholarship with the tenets of contemporary documentary filmmaking, [the film] will provide a first-rate vehicle for the exploration of the issue of torture and its profound ramifications on every single human life affected.”
Juan Mendez, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
“I greatly appreciate Naked Eyes’ commitment to humanizing torture and its impact on families and to exploring the process of healing….”
Lori Nessel, Professor of Law, Seton Hall University
Transcendence “centers on the Bellevue Program for Survivors of Torture, which does the beautiful work of healing people who have been devasted by torture and war. This film will further the work of advocates who are helping rebuild lives and make our world a better, safer place.”
Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking
"Inspirational, celebratory, and actionable!"​
The Sentry, a human rights organization co-founded by George Clooney
The Sentry, human rights organization co-founded by George Clooney
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